The workshop “From Earth to the Moon and Back Again!” was held for the young friends of the Library

The children’s workshops of the 2024 Summer Campaign for Reading and Creativity continue even after the holidays! On Thursday, August 29th, the workshop titled “From Earth to the Moon and Back Again!” took place, aiming to provide knowledge about lunar rocks, the relationship between Earth and the Moon, and space exploration.

We started by talking about stars—how often we observe them, whether we can count them, and what it might be like to travel to space! Then, the children read cards with information about the Moon’s properties, its environment, the conditions there, the astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin who were the first to walk on its surface, and how this unique planet was formed.

Next, they learned the story of Bok, the rock that Neil Armstrong brought back from the Moon. After being given their own rock, they wrote their own story about it, imagined its appearance, its origin, and gave it a name, just like Neil Armstrong did!

The next workshop of the 2024 Summer Campaign will be held on Tuesday, September 3rd, at 12 p.m.
