“Traveling with Ioannis Kapodistrias” with the 6th Grade of the 3rd Primary School of Kalambaka

On Thursday, March 28, an educational activity was held with the students of the 6th grade of the 3rd Primary School of Kalambaka, who had the opportunity to travel to the era of Ioannis Capodistrias with the museum set “Traveling with Ioannis Capodistrias” of the Capodistrias Museum.

Through archival material, reproductions of works of art, letters and copies of objects from the Museum’s collection and the digital archive of I. Kapodistrias, they learned about the life and work of the First Governor of Greece, his studies, his art of diplomacy and his political career. They learned about the important reforms he promoted to reorganize the state machinery, as well as to establish the legal framework of the newly formed state.

We thank the 3rd Primary School of Kalambaka for the cooperation, as well as the Capodistrias Museum for the loan of the Museum Kit.
